Welcome to the site that is all about spiritual connection
to God, to something else or to nothing!

Explore your connection with God using one of the following four gateways and secure your identity, ensure your value and fulfil your purpose.

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Life in the twenty-first century is highly dynamic, volatile and challenging. How do you respond to the changes in the society in which you live?

Become stronger in your walk with God so you can help others who are struggling and reach out to friends who have no connection or who have become disconnected.

Start your journey >

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There are lots of reasons that can cause disconnection – whilst it’s good to be aware of them and find comfort or healing from the pain disconnection causes, it is surely even better to find reconnection.

Here you will find restored faith, life, hope and love.

Start your journey >

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Reconnecting with long-lost friends and family heals deep wounds and fills the hole in many a heart. The Father still longs for this reconnection with his child.

Making the journey back to God is always worth it even if it can be hard – see how it can be done. The only regret will be if you never try.

Start your journey >

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What’s the best way to get the most out of life? This is a question that’s been asked by philosophers through the ages.

Here’s a gateway to find answers to the deepest questions of your heart and the best reason for living.

Start your journey >

Discover the amazing truth that God loves you and has this to say to you – connection brings life. The connection metaphor is universally understood in that every electrical appliance or Internet device in the contemporary world relies on connection to function – they are designed for their IDENTITY, VALUE and PURPOSE to be fulfilled through connection. How much more so for the complex design of a human being! Whatever race, gender or culture, every human being needs connection with God – this is what Jesus Christ came for (John 17). So it is that ‘in Christ’ we discover lasting IDENTITY (child of God), VALUE (loved by God) and PURPOSE (enjoying God and bringing joy to Him). With this connection comes SECURITY, HAPPINESS and MOTIVATION.

Take these simple but profound truths to connect with God as he reaches out to you and use resources here to grow closer to him.

The Age of Enlightenment

Is ultimate enlightenment possible? Be curious, and find something to believe in. Time to blast off!

Watch more at

Latest Boosters

  • Obsolete
    It sounds like a fairy tale beginning yet it is true to say that, ‘once upon a time’, products were made to last and in times of scarcity, people needed to make things last. Nowadays, partly due to rapidly changing technologies, ‘planned obsolescence’ and customer expectations for the latest model, things we buy have much… Read more: Obsolete
  • Tread softly
    It is unlikely that any of us remember our first steps as we learnt how to walk. No doubt it caused excitement for your parents until they realised that it would now be harder to keep track of you. As we develop this important life skill, there’s plenty of reverting to crawling or bottom shuffling… Read more: Tread softly
    Imagine seeing the world the wrong way round! George Malcolm Stratton (1865 – 1957) was an American psychologist who wanted to know what would happen to the brain’s perception if he could turn normal vision upside down. Wearing special glasses called ‘invertoscopes’ for 8 days that did this, he discovered that his brain could adjust to the upside world and make it seem normal!

See all Boosters >

The more I look through the material, the more I am convinced it fits exactly where we are as a church in so many areas. Discipleship, bridge to Alpha, encouraging the return of prodigals, jargon free, etc. All looks like ideal timing to me … I am confident – some would even say, excited – about the course and materials.

Ian Burnham, Director of Small Group Ministry, Andover Baptist Church


I am pleased to see Connect4Life’s research work on the stories of people who have reconnected – I hope that many leaders and reconnectors will participate. I think the findings will be very helpful for the wider church.

Jim Currin, Evangelism Secretary for Churches Together


Connect 4 Life offers to churches an integrated approach to discipleship which is outward looking yet God focussed. This could be a vital resource for 21st century leaders.

Steve Clifford, General Director, Evangelical Alliance


I love the vision of C4L to equip churches and leaders for discipleship and mission. In Harvest Church it was an effective springboard into Alpha with the unconnected, and important reconnections were also made. I pray that C4L will go on to become a mighty tool that is widely used with great impact.

Simon Corlett, pastor of Harvest Church , Alton (affiliated to New frontiers)

I am passionate to see the lives of people transformed by hearing God speak in the Bible. I am delighted to endorse these new resources – I really hope many churches will use them and that many people will find a fresh sense of identity, value and purpose through a connection to Christ and truly discover the life to the full that He gives.

Canon Dr Ann Holt OBE, Director of Programme


I wanted a resource that I could give to a friend that was easy to follow, had sound biblical teaching, and allowed them to evaluate their faith and place within the church. Disconnected- Give it 7 days did not disappoint.

Ceini – user of C4L


Regaining a connection with those [who] have lost their connection with the Church In each case this idea hits the mark; it is user friendly and is deliberately seeking to be an affordable product.

Revd John Carne, Former Chair of the Plymouth and Exeter Methodist District


My continuing research of church trends and the situation facing Christianity in the UK indicates that more effective connections need to be made if the decline is to be reversed.  The resources of Connect4life present an important new opportunity to help churches forge those new connections with both ‘unchurched’ and ‘de-churched’ – they are worth checking out.

Dr Peter Brierley


C4L really is excellent material giving a refreshing new way forward for relevant outreach to supplement Alpha and Christianity Explored. I love the clarity of the visuals, the layout of the questions and the user-friendly accessible style. I pray that it will be widely used and am pleased to commend it to churches, leaders and all who want to help people connect or reconnect with God.

Stephen Gaukroger, former pastor of Gold Hill Baptist Church , President of the Baptist Union and Director of Clarion Trust International


In our disconnected society if we are to do more than inoculate people from making real connections with church, we must ask some hard questions and act upon the findings. Here is a way to do just that.

Rev Cid Latty, Cafechurch Network


I hope the message gets through to many more people who’d otherwise be ‘out of the loop’; none of us should miss out on our God-given opportunity to be the best that we can be.

Debbie Thrower, broadcaster, former national newsreader and Anna Chaplain and Team Leader of The Gift of Years for the Bible Reading Fellowship, BRF


To achieve this not only do we provide prisoners with a free copy of my book Out of the Ashes but also the 21 Day Personal Study Guide for First Time Connectors provided by C4L. I am seeing many prisoners make this commitment of faith and my prayer is that God will continue to grant us his favour as we carry out his will for our lives.

Peter Gladwin


With so many lures and temptations from the world around us, C4L has shown itself to be vitally essential. It serves as a guide towards and through things of goodness, joy and hope for the future. It seeks to offer life where the world offers none. A life to be lived in Christ.

Kerry – user of C4L


I thought I led a good, kind life – I knew right from wrong, good from bad. However, I would sometimes react badly and unhelpfully to what life threw at me. A good friend introduced me to C4L. I found the course searching, insightful and full of hope. It opened my eyes to a whole new way of living. With the prospect of becoming ‘connected’ I joined an Alpha Course.

Lesley, user of unconnected materials

I love the vision of C4L to equip churches and leaders for discipleship and mission. In Harvest Church it was an effective springboard into Alpha with the unconnected, and important reconnections were also made. I pray that C4L will go on to become a mighty tool that is widely used with great impact.

Simon Corlett



I believe that we have been greatly blessed by the resource which is undoubtedly going to be of real benefit to Baptist Union Churches and any evangelical and missionally minded Churches. It will fit excellently pre-Alpha with the Big Welcome and Crossing Places.

Clive Burnard – Senior Pastor, Andover Baptist Church


The command to make disciples remains as clear today as when first issued. Therefore, getting people, whether inside or outside the church, fully connected with God and His Church is the primary issue for any church leader. C4L is a wonderful set of tools to enable churches to make those connections. I commend this material to you.

Rev Howard Wright, Rural Dean of Alton and vicar of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Four Marks


Britain needs the Gospel more than ever and so I am pleased that there is this exciting resource for churches to use in reaching out with the Old Message in a new way

The Rt Revd and Rt Hon Lord George Carey of Clifton


Both booklets have been, and continue to be, very helpful. They are easy to read and understand; the direct questions have caused much soul searching, which although difficult for me to address at times has always been positive.

Linda, user of disconnected/ reconnected materials

The theme of connection is a clear thread through these materials which provide valuable resources for churches wanting to reach out to unconnected and disconnected people – I am pleased to commend them.

Michael Harvey, Founder of Back To Church Sunday initiative and Author


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