Optimising connectivity for everyday life
C4L Boosters are here to help you in the spiritual lift-off stage and to bring vital boosters to keep you in the best orbit on your journey. Unafraid to tackle any topic, C4L Boosters are designed for you to connect securely with The Infinite, for this is your call to pursue.
Read more >: IDOLSImagine seeing the world the wrong way round! George Malcolm Stratton (1865 – 1957) was an American psychologist who wanted to know what would happen to the brain’s perception if he could turn normal vision upside down. Wearing special glasses called ‘invertoscopes’ for 8 days that did this, he discovered that his brain could adjust…
An Eternity
Read more >: An EternityIt’s a phrase still used sometimes by people waiting when time seems to drag. The younger generation would more likely describe something as ‘taking ages’. Either way, it’s a long time, so long that time ceases to have a reliable meaning. Many books have been written about time and it is even a branch of…
Read more >: FutilityFor a change, here’s a quote to begin this Booster: Clever and entertaining, the series based around four elderly pensioners living in an exclusive retirement home is flush with murders and intrigue, along with a visiting fox! Often insightful, Osman weaves his observations of life into the conversations and actions of his characters. Garth is…
Soul Search
Read more >: Soul SearchTake the word ‘soul’. What on earth does it mean? Going to the dictionary will give these three definitions: It’s a deep concept but one that’s really worth trying to understand better than a superficial ‘google search’ for it is something than helps us to understand ourselves. Going within can lead to a labyrinth but…
Read more >: LiesA child doesn’t need to be taught to lie but he or she does need to learn the difference between the truth and a lie. Truth takes responsibility but a lie passes the buck with an easy way out – ‘it was someone else, not me!’ For some, lying can become a way of life,…
Questions from a Daffodil
Read more >: Questions from a DaffodilWe like to ask questions of what we see – What? Why? How? That is the way our minds work. However, what if we allow the humble daffodil to draw questions out of us?! Interrogation and cross-examination tend to be the stuff of courts of justice and spy thrillers so what questions might the humble…
Read more >: MisfitsThere are times in life when you feel you just don’t fit in. Perhaps it’s a new job, new club, social set or even church. You begin to go quiet and then withdraw like this little guy hiding in the bushes. Other times, everything feels as comfy a fit as an old pair of slippers.…
Read more >: WildernessTruth be known, life does sometimes feel like a desert. This might be in a lack-lustre period of your career, retirement or bereavement. It could be in terms of feeling unfulfilled in relationships with others and especially felt keenly if you feel God is distant at a time when you feel a real need of…
Read more >: KNOWN UNTO GODIf you were to wander past many war graves, you would find this phrase on each tombstone, but why? Influential and eccentric author of The Jungle Book, Rudyard Kipling, lost his son John in the First World War and offered his services to what became known as The War Graves Commission. Despite having an eclectic…
Read more >: ThreatThe fear of what might happen plagues everyone at different times of life in all sorts of ways. Personal threat may come through social media even to children or to adults through ransomware extortioners. It could be the threat to cut off your services, to expose you for some wrong-doing or even to go after…
Paradise Lost
Read more >: Paradise LostIf you were born in the 1600s, you might have had a fair chance of understanding the 17th-century English poet John Milton – if not, there’s only a slim chance unless you studied English Literature at university! ‘Paradise Lost’ was his masterpiece containing over 10,000 lines of blank verse arranged into 12 books – it…
Read more >: RescueUnless you’ve ever needed to be rescued, a photo like this Lifeboat may fail to touch you. However, if you have experienced life-saving rescue of any kind, then it can’t fail to touch you. Sometimes we need rescue without even realising it. One such tragic case was 5 February 2004 when 21 Chinese illegal immigrant…
Back on Track
Read more >: Back on TrackIf you have never got lost, then you have never put a foot wrong and you are possibly a statue! At some point in life, we all lose our bearings and miss the way. The question is, what do you do about it? Sometimes you don’t realise straightaway that you are lost but it gradually…
Read more >: GiantsThere are points in life when all of us face giants – fears, phobias and phantoms of the night or day. Most do not have a physical form but seem bigger and more horrible in the night. Others face bullies at school, at work, in the neighbourhood or even in families where you are supposed…